ein Projekt der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Anästhesiologie und Intensivmedizin e.V.

Das Team

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Specialist in anaesthesia and intensive care medicine
University Hospital St. Elisabeth-Hospital

Bleichstraße 15
44787 Bochum

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Specialist in anaesthesia and intensive care medicine
University Hospital Marburg

35033 Marburg


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Project Coordination
German Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine

Neuwieder Straße 9
90411 Nuremberg







Our "BoE" - the Board of Editors

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Specialist in anaesthesia
University Hospital Marburg

35033 Marburg



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Staff anaesthesiologist
University Hospital Pisa

Via Roma 67
56100 Pisa



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Consultant pediatric anaesthetist
Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children

Great Ormond St.
London WC1N3JH



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Staff anaesthesiologist
Consortium General University Hospital of Valencia

Av. de les Tres Creus 2
46014 València



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Retired pediatric anaesthesiologist and honorary professor
UCLouvain Medical School

Pl. de l'Université
1348 Ottignies-Louvain-la-Neuve



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Former head of the Division of Pediatric Anaesthesia
Luzcerne Hospital (LUKS)

Schädrüti 25
6043 Adligenswil



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Consultant anaesthesiologist
Guilherme Alvaro

R. Oswaldo Cruz, 197 - Boqueirão
Santos - SP; 11045-904





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Consultant pediatric anesthesiologist & Intensivist; head of research
Rigshospitalet; Department of pediatric and obstetric anaesthesia

Blegdamsvej 3
2200 København N.


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Former head of the Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine
Olgahospital, Stuttgart

Chopingstr. 79
70195 Stuttgart